Blog Posts

Loud Brewery? Get Noise Relief.

Today’s competitive market in the craft brewing industry has generated a plethora of beer choices for today’s consumer.    Old warehouse district buildings are gutted, refurbished, and today represent some of the most popular hot spots for the production and consumption of craft beers.   These spaces are filled with the kind of hard reflective surfaces that…

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Soundproofing a Bar

Bars, nightclubs and restaurants give people a place to meet, socialize and relax.   The surrounding atmosphere has to be comfortable for the venue to succeed, with repeat business the key to the success of the establishment.    The variety of venues ranges from high energy dance clubs to casual bars that promote conversation among guests.   Their comfort levels rely on clarity to voice, and control of the reverberations

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As America Re-Opens: The Sound Panel Marketplace

What the sound panel marketplace seems to be responding to in this unprecedented era of Covd-19 is a window of opportunity that has presented itself to the vast majority of restaurants, churches, schools, and office spaces.   These are venues that would otherwise be filled with people, and the noise that comes with it.   But in…

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Server Rack Soundproofing

Computer server racks can produce continuous exposure to low-frequency sound waves that can pose as a deterrent to worker productivity in an office space.    Exposure to unwanted computer rack noise in an office environment can lead to absenteeism, turnover, and lower levels of quality output from even your best employees.   The key to better controlling…

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Converting a Gym to Multipurpose Room

Soundproofing for transformation of gym To successfully transform a gymnasium into a multipurpose room, one must pay clear attention to the acoustics in the space.   A gathering of people stretched across a basketball court floor will suffer from poor room acoustics unless the perimeter wall or ceiling surfaces are treated with a set of sound…

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What we interpret as sound is actually a collection of systematic vibrations which travel from molecule to molecule through practically any medium. If you have ever been to an indoor rock concert, you have probably physically felt these vibrations as they traveled through the molecules in the floor and resonated

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Office Noise

Noise transmission is a common challenge faced in multiple inhabitant office environments. Individual office enclosures commonly consist of thin walls or a practical arrangement of partitions, neglecting to provide privacy among workers. A practical arrangement for space efficiency is not always the most effective for

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Common Walls

Preventing noise bleed through a common wall is the goal of one of the most frequently sought soundproofing endeavors. The issue of unwanted noise transmission through common walls occurs in the same way whether the application is residential, industrial or commercial. To implement the sound reduction

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How do Sound Baffles work?

Sound baffles are acoustic panels that suspend vertically off the ceiling to collectively capture and convert unwanted echoes from your room.   The goal with the application is to improve the room’s overall acoustics within the space by lowering the level of ambient echo, which in turn will generate greater clarity to original sound.   As a…

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