Soundproofing a Cafeteria

Cafeterias in schools, churches, hospitals, offices, prisons, and more will serve thousands of diners over a week’s period of time.   The venue takes on a social component as diners enjoy a break in the routine of their day.   Cafeterias share a common acoustic challenge common to a variety of dining rooms…the presence of a

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How to Produce Premium Sanctuary Sound

The spoken word in a sanctuary is often threatened by unwelcome sound wave reverberations within the space.   As echoes permeate throughout the room, clarity to speech gives way to background noise, and the audience is lost.   Key to the success of any sanctuary is the ability to convert these background noise signals, so that in turn, greater clarity to speech is produced.   As echoes collapse, speech patterns become

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Designer Acoustic Panels

Soundproofing panels do not have to be boring. This generation of designers insists on more functionality than previously available from manufacturers of soundproofing acoustic panels. Previously most sound treatments were solid foam panels for sound or music studios, recording studios, industrial applications, or movie theaters without regard to design. A straightforward one-colored panel worked fine….

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Soundproof Ceiling Tiles

While most of us are familiar with the every day commercial grade ceiling tile, seen in most any commercial space that you may shop, dine, worship, study or play in, the reality is that the majority of these tiles offer very little support acoustically.   They are there primarily to disguise the pipes in the ceiling, and offer an archtiectural finish to a room.   Standard commercial grade ceiling tiles do NOT block sound from bleeding in

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Improving Classroom Acoustics

Controlling noise in a loud, reflective classroom is a must for protecting the learning environment of the students and teacher.    The implications for poor room acoustics can be daunting.   The students don’t learn, the teacher is measured by results, grades drop, funding for the school shrinks due to poor productivity, and

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Indoor Shooting Range Soundproofing

Google Searches for “gun range near me” Highest Ever Indoor Shooting Ranges Increase in Importance In July 2020, the FBI conducted more than 3.6 million firearm background checks making it the third-highest month on record since 2 million in July 2019. The year 2020 will go down as one of the most unusual, turbulent, and…

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Hotel Rooms

The goal with isolating room-to-room sound bleed through a common wall assembly between two adjoining rooms in a hotel is twofold.   First, your goal should be to disconnect how the wall is assembled, and second, line it with more density.   The treatment is fairly straight forward and can eliminate up to 90% of the noise

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Controlling Privacy in Telehealth

The Coronavirus has been deadly. We all anxiously wait for this year of 2020 to go away. We have all become adept at applying new social distancing standards that have redefined how we live, work, and play, what we call the new normal.   Some of these changes have been disruptive, but some of them have…

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